Jiena nilgħab. minn sprouts aħdar Wet & Dry Bag

Brand:i play.


Għal ġranet divertenti fil-bajja, fil-pixxina, jew fil-park tal-ilma, żomm malji tal-għawm u tagħmir imxarrab fil-i play tagħna. minn sprouts ħodor Wet and Dry Bag. Borża mxarrba ta 'daqs perfett għal malji tal-għawm, ħrieqi tad-drapp, ħwejjeġ, ġugarelli, u aktar b'żewġ bwiet kbar u li ma jgħaddix ilma minnhom biex iżommu oġġetti nodfa u maħmuġin separati. Il-materjal reżistenti għall-ilma jżomm l-oġġetti niedja magħluqa u jaħdem l-aħjar meta l-oġġetti mxarrbin jittellgħu qabel ma jinħażnu biex jiġi evitat li l-ilma jinġabar. Il-borża niexfa mxarrba tagħna għandha għeluq sikur u biż-żippijiet b'ċinga li tista 'titwaħħal li snaps għal użu mingħajr idejn. Itwi jew irrombla u aqbad il-borża mxarrba tat-trabi tagħna għal ħażna kompatta meta ma tkunx qed tintuża sabiex ikollok dejjem f'idejha! Magħmul minn materjali ta 'kwalità mingħajr PVC, BPA, BPS, BPF, formaldehyde, u żebgħa azo, u ttestjati b'mod indipendenti minn laboratorji approvati mis-CPSC għas-saħħa u s-sigurtà tal-familja tiegħek. Il-borża mxarrba kbira tagħna hija 12 "x 14" għal spazju ta 'ħażna biżżejjed, u tinħasel bil-magna għall-konvenjenza. Disponibbli fi stampi divertenti biex tikkoordina mal-kollezzjoni sħiħa tagħna ta 'lbies għall-għawm u x-xemx li jimblokka l-UV.

Tikketti tal-ismijiet konvenjenti biex jiġu personalizzati—Perfetti għal qabel l-iskola, lezzjonijiet tal-għawm, jew ivvjaġġar. Ċinga tal-linja li tista 'titwaħħal għall-użu mingħajr idejn u rrumblat, ħażna kompatta—Itwi jew irrombla u aqbad il-borża mxarrba tagħna għall-ħażna kompatta fil-borża tal-ħrieqi tiegħek jew uża ċ-ċinga tal-linja biex twaħħal ma' stroller meta tkun qed tuża. Għawweġ l-ilma żejjed qabel l-ippakkjar għall-aħjar riżultati—Evita li tgħaqqad l-ilma li jista 'jnixxi mill-ħjatat. Għeluq biż-żippijiet faċli — Żomm l-oġġetti fil-borża niexfa mxarrba tiegħek miżmuma sew u aċċessibbli faċilment. Żewġ bwiet reżistenti għall-ilma għal ħażna separata mxarrba u niexfa—Aħżen il-malji tal-għawm imxarrbin jew maħmuġin tat-tarbija, ħrieqi, qliezet tat-taħriġ, msielaħ, eċċ 'il bogħod minn ħwejjeġ nodfa, niexfa, ġugarelli, u aktar b'barriera li ma jgħaddix ilma minnha.
Additional product features ‎Waterproof Material, Without PVC, Without BPA/BPS/BPF, Without Formaldehyde, Without AZO dyes
Batteries required ‎No
Care instructions ‎Wash before first use.
Country/Region of origin ‎China
Customer Reviews 5.0 5.0 out of 5 stars 56 ratings 5.0 out of 5 stars
Item model number ‎319252-688-00
Item Weight ‎2.82 ounces
Material Type ‎Polyvinyl Chloride
material_composition ‎Coating: 100% Polyurethane, Fabric: 100% Polyester
Number Of Items ‎1
Product Dimensions ‎14 x 12 x 0.38 inches
Style ‎Travel
Target gender ‎Unisex


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Scritto da: Haley Loram
Great to keep in your diaper bag
We keep this in our diaper bag for wet/messy clothes, our even wet diapers if there’s no trash cans around. It’s helpful that it has two zippered compartments
Scritto da: ss569
Perfect for summer camp!
I got these for my son's first summer camp. It's a nice size (the larger compartment even fits a medium sized towel) and the two compartments are great. The zippers work nice and the material is water proof. My son brings this home with soaking wet swim things and everything else in the bag is still dry. Great quality product with zippers that are smooth.
Scritto da: Halfnote
Great purchase!
I bought two of these and liked them so more I ordered two more. They are well made and do exactly what is advertised. Wet items put inside stay wet, but the wet doesn’t escape to get everything outside wet. I used two bags for our aqua shoes, one bag for my sons cloth swim diapers, and 1 for our bathing suits. They are well sized and wash easily. Highly recommend
Scritto da: Jenna Len
Great wet bag
We use this for swim class and it holds a lot more than expected. Great purchase and cute design.
Scritto da: J
This bag is really great and useful. It is truly waterproof, has a nice smooth zipper operation, and washes well. Having two compartments is really handy. Would be great for baby, but also super for travel, gym, and beach days!
Scritto da: K.P. Ellison
Love this wet/dry bag
This bag is great! I put it in my diaper bag or bring it when we go to the pool. It is of a medium size so you can fit a good amount in it. It also has two zip pockets which is great and has a loop at the top you can snap together to attach it places. I love this bag and bring it with me all the time. I would definitely recommend it!
Scritto da: Kevin
Works great for storing soiled clothes in diaper bag
We keep this wet/dry bag in our diaper bag at all times to stash dirty baby/children's clothes in after they've been spilled, puked, or pooped on. It's not a glamorous job that this bag has but it does it phenomenally. Once we're home we just turn it inside out and wash it with the dirty laundry and then it's good to to again. This is s must have for any diaper bag.
Scritto da: BD
Sturdy Wet and Dry Bag!
This review is for Navy Stripe Wet and Dry Bag after three months of use! Having two toddlers in swim class, this is a great find for us. That said, we have been using this for three months now. The Good - Two Pockets (for dry and wet) - Waterproof - Loop Strap - Label patch for personalization (writing your name) - Sturdy Zipper - Sturdy Fabric (it had held up after 3 months of use) The Bad - None Bottom Line - This is a good bag for swim classes, beach and any other water sport or activity. We are very happy with it.
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