Dak l-Inbid Huwa Mine Vin De La Vie Charms tal-ħġieġ tal-inbid, Set ta '6

Brand:"That Wine is Mine"


AMAZON.COM Idea nifty mill-pajjiż ta 'l-inbid ta' Kalifornja, dawn is-charms jieħdu l-suppożizzjonijiet milli jiddistingwu inbid jew tazza cocktail minn oħra ladarba tkun għaddejja festa. M'hemmx aktar mistoqsijiet dwar, Dak il-ħġieġ huwa tiegħek jew tiegħi? Billi tgħaqqad wieħed mis-sitt charms differenti tas-sett fuq iz-zokk ta 'tazza, ospitanti jista' jiżgura li l-mistednin ikunu jistgħu jsibu x-xorb tagħhom stess jekk ipoġġuhom f'parti konvivjali u mimlija nies. Dan is-sett ta’ Vin de la Vie jadotta tema ta’ ikel u xorb, b’charms li juru goblet, rota tal-ġobon, bott tal-kavjar, ċestun tal-inbid, qoffa tal-pikniks, u post setting. (Is-settijiet huma disponibbli f'10 temi oħra, inklużi Serengeti, Market Fresh, Fore!, u l-Bus and Bugs delightful.) Magħmula minn pewter ta 'kwalità għolja, is-charms huma lesti jew f'deheb antik jew fidda u jiġu b'kulur iswed u satin. borża tal-qafla għall-ħażna. --Fred Brack

Borża tal-qafla sewda jew tal-fidda inkluża għall-ħażna. Magħmul minn pewter ta 'kwalità għolja b'finitura antika tad-deheb jew tal-fidda. Charms jiżguraw mistednin jistgħu jiddistingwu x-xorb tagħhom minn oħrajn. Goblet, rota tal-ġobon, bott tal-kavjar, ċestun tal-inbid, qoffa tal-pikniks, u placesetting. Sitt charms b’tema ta’ ikel u xorb jinqabdu ma’ zkuk ta’ tazzi ta’ inbid u cocktail.
Customer Reviews 3.3 3.3 out of 5 stars 9 ratings 3.3 out of 5 stars
Item model number VN
Item Weight 0.16 ounces
Manufacturer That Wine is Mine
Product Dimensions 6 x 3.9 x 0.3 inches


8 Review
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Scritto da: Amazon Customer
A Great Gift for any occasion
The Vin De La Vie wine glass charms are great, because they are appropriate for any wine lover. I am giving this product 4 stars instead of 5, because they changed the packaging. My first set came in a nice, clear box, so the recipient could see the charms without having to open the package. They now come in a little drawstring pouch, which is nice for storage, but it is just in a clear cellophane pouch with a cardboard header. In order to see what the charms look like, the recipient will have to open the package. Also, to make a nice presentation, you will have to go to a little more trouble to wrap them up. I bought these on sale, and for the price I paid, they were a good value. I would not advise paying full price for these, however.
Scritto da: Daniel
Simple idea, but a great solution...
As simple as they are, all of these charms (I have 4 sets) are all manufactured of the highest quality. I have not yet had a single design that I had not liked. It is also a great gift idea for a casual occasion. Be careful when you are taking them out of the box for the first time though, do not apply too much force on the clips. Try tearing apart the paper that they are attached to rather than trying to yank the charms out (You'll see what I mean when you get them). I damaged one of them this way.
Scritto da: Callie Rickard
Way too expensive
Are they kidding? A set of wine glass charms for [that much]. Please, a bag of plain hoop earrings that you can buy at any craft store with a few charms from the beading section of that craft store and you've got an endless supply of glass charms with unlimited variety. And for just a few dollars! Get crafty people!
Scritto da: Emi
Where's my drink? Is that yours or mine?
Used especially during the Holy Days and special Occasions, these are nifty little reminders of whose got their glass! My daughter has asked the question many times, and we all just say "didn't you have the cheese" ? Mine is the tower! Love these.
Scritto da: A. Christmas
Very convient but small gift item
If you are buying this for yourself, you will love it. As a gift, you may want to buy a bottle of wine or a glass set to go with. Seperates your glass from everyone else's and comes in a little cute pouch.
Scritto da: Lisa Shea
Wine Charms are a Party Must-Have
I love wine charms in general - they're super-easy to make with only a spool of wire, a few beads and some charms! If you're going to buy them, be sure to buy ones that have memorable items. People might not remember that they have the grapes or the wineglass, but they'll remember if it's something like an earthworm or Cleopatra's head! Choose some that are really interesting, and not only will it help ensure that glasses aren't wasted, but it often makes the party really interesting as people 'adopt' their icon!
Scritto da: T.S. Branchaw
What did I do before these?
I can't say enough about these charms. I own at least 10 sets and have given away at least 20 for gifts. I can find a theme for any occasion: housewarming for a beach or mountain home, stocking stuffers, bday, they are AMAZING! I have seen many knockoffs and none compare with the quality of That Wine is Mine. If they were a pyramid company, I'd be a top executive because I've turned so many people on to these. I can't wait for more styles and other products!
Scritto da: C. Clement
Before another Holiday dinner, I need to get some of these!
I was telling a friend of mine about these nifty things, and she was questioning the actual "usefulness" of them. So, swayed by my lack of ability to demonstrate "usefulness" on the spot, I did not buy them. Then I had 9 people over for Thanksgiving. We all had wine, in matching wineglasses. No one could remember where they'd put their glass, or which one was theirs. These little babies would have solved quite a bit of confusion (and glass-swapping, I'm afraid) So, before another holiday dinner, I need to set myself up with some of these babies. No more hassle! Yay!

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