Swerve 10 Uqija Pjanċa taż-Żebbuġ, 1 Trej taż-Żebbuġ Mgħawġa - Medju, Reżistenti għaċ-Ċipep, Canoe taż-Żebbuġ tal-Porċellana bajda, Safe għall-Ħasil ​​tal-Nixxiefa, Għal Snacks, Kondimenti, Jew Appetizers - Oġġetti tar-Restaurant



IDEALI GĦAL UŻU PERSONALI JEW KUMMERĊJALI: Uża dan il-platter li jservi biex isservi restorant tal-hors d'oeuvres - jew biex turi snacks u appetizers fil-laqgħa tal-viċinat li jmiss tiegħek. FINISH BAJD STYLISH: Dan id-dixx uniku li jservi għandu finitura abjad illustrata li titħallat bla xkiel fi kwalunkwe post u pajsaġġ tal-mejda. Taqbel perfettament ma 'kwalunkwe skema ta' kuluri. DAQS UNIKU GĦALL-UŻU MULTI: B'kejl 11.9 L x 2.4 W x 1.4 H, dan il-platter abjad kbir jista 'jintuża biex iservi żebbuġ, crackers, berries, ġobon imqatta', laħam, u aktar. KOSTRUZZJONI TAL-PORĊELLANA PREMIUM: Magħmul minn porċellana premium, dan id-dixx taż-żebbuġa huwa mibni biex ikun dejjiemi, fit-tul, u reżistenti għaċ-ċippa. DISINN MODERN, TA’ TENDENZA: B’disinn mgħawġa sleek, dan il-platter abjad kontemporanju li jservi se jġib kuntatt modern għall-preżentazzjoni ta’ appetizers u tapas.

IDEALI GĦAL UŻU PERSONALI JEW KUMMERĊJALI: Uża dan il-platter li jservi biex isservi restorant tal-hors d'oeuvres - jew biex turi snacks u appetizers fil-laqgħa tal-viċinat li jmiss tiegħek. FINISH BAJD STYLISH: Dan id-dixx uniku li jservi għandu finitura abjad illustrata li titħallat bla xkiel fi kwalunkwe post u pajsaġġ tal-mejda. Taqbel perfettament ma 'kwalunkwe skema ta' kuluri. DAQS UNIKU GĦALL-UŻU MULTI: B'kejl 11.9 L x 2.4 W x 1.4 H, dan il-platter abjad kbir jista 'jintuża biex iservi żebbuġ, crackers, berries, ġobon imqatta', laħam, u aktar. KOSTRUZZJONI TAL-PORĊELLANA PREMIUM: Magħmul minn porċellana premium, dan id-dixx taż-żebbuġa huwa mibni biex ikun dejjiemi, fit-tul, u reżistenti għaċ-ċippa. DISINN MODERN, TA’ TENDENZA: B’disinn mgħawġa sleek, dan il-platter abjad kontemporanju li jservi se jġib kuntatt modern għall-preżentazzjoni ta’ appetizers u tapas.
Brand Restaurantware
Color Kraft
Material Ceramic
Occasion all
Special Feature Durability, Chip Resistant


11 Review
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Scritto da: Carl W.
Good on a charcuterie tray
I'm glad I purchased this for my charcuterie board and glad I did not go smaller than the medium size for the money. It is marketed as suitable for olives. Olives would work fine as would nuts, cherry tomatoes, or small chocolates. It could work for some of those warmed mini quiches too. In my opinion, it is not so much utilitarian as it is for looks. The curved design is much more interesting than something linear that holds as much. Though this is not labeled for crackers, I had hoped that round Ritz Crackers would fit in it as they would in a traditional cracker sleeve, but they don't. Hope the information is helpful.
Scritto da: S. McKinney
Great charcuterie dish!
Great dish that was very nice on a charcuterie board. Good quality that will last. Great purchase!
Scritto da: Janet Allen
YES! must have for charcuterie platters
A Must have, and should use more than one…this (see pix) is my first attempt at the plate and omg, more compliments even before they dug into the goodies. You can’t make a mistake, just make it diverse and FULL. The curved white dishes are very versatile, hold any small interesting food items, like pickles, olives of all sizes, so interesting! Highly recommend you try this charcuterie platter. Add nuts, even chocolate to these curved white dishes. Hard to mess up, fun to arrange.
Scritto da: Amazon Customer
Fancy olive tray
I bought this for an Olive loving friend. I like it so much I will be buying one for myself
Scritto da: Sharon F. Malin
Holds a lot of olives! I like it mostly because it’s different. Get a lot of compliments on it. Good quality stoneware. I love it!
Scritto da: CAG
Very nice.
I am giving this as a gift. In retrospect I think I should leave purchased the larger one but this will work for a small gathering.
Scritto da: Salt City Queen
Charcuterie Curve
Item as described. Will add dimension to charcuterie board.
Scritto da: N/A
Platter is a gift motgven yet.
Dog loves this toy.
Scritto da: Elhaam
Very small and too expensive
Veryyyyy small doesn’t worth the price
Scritto da: Lian SN
A cute serving dish to add to a collection
Such a cute plate! Perfect for small morsels!
Scritto da: Andrea RPM
Pequeñito y con forma

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