Kalzetti ta' l-Ekwipaġġ Militari Mb Max Cushion ta' l-irġiel ta' thorlos Iswed Medji



Iddisinjat biex itejjeb il-mobilità u jżomm is-saħħa tas-saqajn taħt taħriġ eżiġenti fuq il-post u kundizzjonijiet tal-ġlieda kontra f'terren u klimi varjati.

Il-ħjata tas-sieq tal-profil baxx ma togħrokx jew tirrita s-saqajn. Arkata mtaffija għal tajbin aħjar, aktar appoġġ, u inqas pressjoni fuq is-saqajn. Pannell tal-ventilazzjoni għal kontroll ta 'umdità żejda u nifs. Il-fibri jintgħażlu għall-prestazzjoni u d-durabilità li jirriżultaw f'suletta li tilbes għas-snin. Mibnija b'fibri exclusiveThor-Lon li jibagħtu l-umdità 'l bogħod mis-sieq. L-ikkuttunar huwa klinikament muri li jnaqqas il-folji, l-umdità, l-uġigħ u l-pressjoni. Karatteristiċi ikkuttunar leġġendarju Thorlo fl-għarqub u s-sieq ta' quddiem. Protezzjoni massima tas-saqajn għal mobilità mtejba u biex tinżamm is-saħħa tas-saqajn taħt taħriġ eżiġenti fuq il-post u kondizzjoni tal-ġlied. Aħsel bil-Magni. Ebda Għeluq. Magħmul fil-USA. 85% Akriliku, 13% Najlon, 2% Elastiku.
Department mens
Manufacturer Thorlos


9 Review
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Scritto da: Sole Man
Quality Socks!
Do yourself a favor and try Thorlo socks. Incredibly well made. Incredibly comfortable Last forever given the quality of construction. It is the kind of dock that washes and wears very comfortably. I have kept them so long that even darning the toes where more wear takes place is something I do given the comfort of these socks. They are pricey but worth the purchase.
Scritto da: Tony from Florida
There really isn't much cushioning.
I was expecting more cushioning based on the description. However, there really isn't much cushioning. There are other Thorlos socks that provide much more comforting cushioning for a comparable price.
Scritto da: WM173
The only socks I buy
I highly recommend this product. I have been using these socks and the over-the-calf variant for about six years. I value the socks for the cushioned heel and the X-Static threading. Both of my heels have been damaged. Before finding these socks and a heavily cushioned sole shoe, I was in constant pain. The shoes I tried were insufficient by themselves. Coupled with the heavy cushion of these socks, I can walk for a few hours, a huge improvement. In addition to the heel damage, both feet were plagued with a fungus that was unresponsive to a doctor's care. The soles were spongey, porous, and always hurt; like a variant of trench foot. I lived with this problem for 36 years. Then I chanced to hear of dressings that were silver-impregnated used for severe burns and for wounds that were unresponsive to standard treatment. Talking about this with a friend in the Army, he introduced me to these exact socks, told me they were the only socks he now wore, and got me a pair that day. I put them on immediately; my feet experienced a burning sensation upon initial contact that quickly dropped off. The next day I noticed significant changes in the condition of the soles of my feet; most notably, they no longer hurt. Since that day, I have only worn this type of sock. I have found other people with similar foot problems and introduced them to the socks; they got immediate relief. I chanced on some WWII Infantry vets with the same (!!) foot problem I had, and was able to get them some socks as well. All who tried it experienced relief; they had been lived with this problem since the forties, and had been unable to shake the fungus. One stubborn sob wouldn't try them. :) As far as I can see, these socks are not sold as cures for foot ailments. The X-Static is billed as an odor mitigator. That works too. If you have foot problems like I have described, do yourself a favor and buy one pair, and try it. Follow the washing instructions, you will get better life out of them. They wear out (the silver gets used up). Plan on replacing a pair every so often; your feet will start to tell you when you need to do this. I keep five pairs cycling, lasts about a year. Your mileage may vary.
Scritto da: John O. Sidwa
Great socks.
Very good socks the only problem is that over time they do seem to degrade. I have five pairs that I rotate through.
Scritto da: arkansas geezer
a good thorlo as usual.
I bought these thorlos for the heel and foot pad padding and they are what I expected. The top of the sock is ok, provides warmth for the calf.
Scritto da: JV
great socks for diabetic feet
these are very high quality, made in USA socks and have great padding in the right areas for foot protection without being bulky. for diabetics don't cheap out on less expensive socks thinking they are equal to these, id definetly recommend them for any type of activity and are of medium weight and would be good for temperate climates. very pricey but excellent quality/construction. EDIT: 4/4/2021 these look almost identical as the Thorlos Mens WGX Work sock that cost $13.00 a pair, FYI
Scritto da: Ethan F
Theyre great socks, but I got the over-the-calf ones.
Theyre great socks, but the picture and title say crew, while I just received six pairs of over-the-calf socks after ordering these.
Scritto da: Jalen Stackhouse
Super comfortable and durable. No need to worry about holes or thinning socks.
Scritto da: Anne
Perfect for a woman's narrower foot
I have size 9.5 women's feet and love padded socks. Men's socks do great padded socks but they're always so wide to cater for men's wider feet. (I've had men's socks that almost wrap around my foot half as much again!) And women's socks are a joke for how thin they are. These are the best socks I've ever had in my life - Medium fits my feet like a glove and the padding is perfect. Loved these so much I ordered a bunch more even though it's so expensive to get to Australia. I'm delighted by these things.

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